Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Loss!

We have been having torrential rain the past few days so when I put the chickens up last night and only counted 12 I thought it was my mistake. Between the rain and their moving around it must have been my fault on the count. Today, sadly, I find my count was accurate. Lady is nowhere to be found.

Lady is the white chicken on the left in front of the two white Delawares. Lady was a White Leghorn and a very good egg layer!

After a thorough search of the property I extended the boundaries of my search to the outside perimeter of the property, there I found my first clues as to what had happened. There strewn along the edge of a large rain puddle were white feathers of all shapes and sizes, usually indicative of a struggle. Further searching turned up more feathers along the fence line.
I continued my investigation and found dog droppings that were not Sterling's, I know what he eats and what his droppings look like. Might sound gross, but by checking droppings occasionally I keep a heads up on the health of my animals.
In the chicken pen itself I found a large quantity of red feathers, as if one of the Rhode Island Reds had been spooked and banged themselves against the fencing.
I asked my husband to keep an eye out for a stray dog. If one enters the property I requested it be terminated with extreme prejudice!
Two good layers in one week is hard for me to deal with.

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